1. Collection
The personal information which is provided to OSA from our clients as part of OSA primary function will not be made available for commercial purposes, except that required by law and to conduct business with OSA, and is only used for the primary purpose for which it is supplied. OSA is not a list broker.
2. Use and Disclosure
The personal information supplied to OSA by our clients will be used only as directed by our clients and in accordance with the Privacy Act, and will not be used for any other purpose.
3. Data quality
The accuracy and quality of personal information is governed by the accuracy and quality data supplied by our clients.
4. Data Security
Client Data is stored on our computer files located in our secure premises. Data on our Computer is backed up to guard against system failures.
In addition to the above, OSA has a Staff Security Agreement of which is designed to ensure that the use of the data shall be solely and exclusively to the agreed specific purpose or service.
5. Openness
Our privacy policy and our security forms part of all our negotiations and contractual arrangements and will be made available in written form on request.
6. Access
A person can request access to personal information held by us about that person. We will permit access in accordance with the Privacy Act and National Privacy Principles. We will notify our client if any person has requested access to information about that person provided to us by our client.
7. Correction
Any personal information which is found to be inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date will be notified to our supplying client, and will be corrected as soon as we have been provided with the correct information by our client.
8. Anonymity
Where practicable OSA will maintain the anonymity of an individual in a database of personal information unless identification of an individual is necessary for the purposes for which OSA uses such information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
9. Transborder Data Flow
OSA will not transfer personal information to any organization or individual in a foreign country unless the person to whom the information relates has consented to the transfer and the recipient of the information has a privacy policy similar to the National Privacy Principles.
10. General
OSA will use its best endeavors to comply with its obligations under the Privacy Act and the National Privacy Principles to the extent that the Act and those principles apply to OSA Business.